My beginning with Sighthounds


My love for Sighthounds began in 1977, with the arrival of my first Irish Wolfhound Larbharan della Bassa Pavese, beautiful and good, who lived eight years. At that time I had also two Dobermans and many dogs saved from the street.
Than arrived Storm of Nutstown, my second Wolfhound imported from Ireland, she lived ten years but was very unlucky. After a little time I bought my first greyhound, dreamt for a lot of time, from Stefano Montefiori, my beautiful Igrayne, Italian Ch., litter sister of the famous multi Ch. Leopoldo. She was beautiful and really very sweet, she lived with us for eleven years and I'll never forget her.
And then I run in Sighthounds world, captured for ever!

There were Penny, my first Deerhound, thank to her I lost my head for this breed, and Bruna, racing greyhound with racing license kept in Suisse, black, small and with a strong character.
At that time I often frequented coursing and racing, about fifteen years ago, and I retain beautiful remembers of people and places.
Now I have eight greyhounds, the older is Ch. A Magic Love del Marchese di Rhieti, from the first litter of my friend Gabriele Franco, the first who bred blue greyhounds in Italy.
I've three of her son: Ch. A Kind of Magic, A Touch of Class and Answer Magic.
The fourth daughter, extraordinary and  full of joy  of life, died tragically at only two years and a half.
She was Junior World Champion and S. Marino Champion, but overall my baby and I miss her very much!
Follow in the list Folly del Marchese di Rhiety, nearly ten yrs. old, Midnight Dancer del Marchese di Rhieti, many times group winner, her daughter Brenda  and the wonderful and very amusing Sobers Fedra.
She's three and a half yrs. old, multi champion and co-owned with dear friends Bitte and Pieri.
And now the new entries, the youngest: Fritzen's Pandora of Highwind, one year and a half, very promising, my second Deerhound. I had her thank to Bitte and Pieri, bred from Mr.Bjorn Fritz and Klaus Kruger, fantastic persons, they have the Deerhounds of my dreams.
And Lulka and Lokis Habenda, Polish Sighthounds, extraordinary hounds.
Lokis lives with my friend Giovanni and amuse himself running around woods and hills of Marche.
It was a long time that I had an interest in this breed so unknown in Italy, three years ago I was near to buy a puppy, but unfortunately I had to postpone.
Now that I know these Sighthounds, I'll never leave this breed, I'm completely involved, rather, I've future plans...
I'm also very happy because I've known a very special person, their breeder, who come from Poland to bring me the puppies, Dr. Iza Szmurlo.
She and her sister, both vets, are the most famous and experienced Polish Sighthounds breeders, and I'm very proud to have had  her in my home.
My home...I choose my home to measure of my dogs, it's a big old ex-farm, without neighbors, with a big garden where the dogs run free as they want, plunged in the fields on a windy hill; and from the wind born my name Highwind.

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Some pics from my home and the garden

A beautifull view of my region: Marche
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A wonderfull coursing day!!

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